The Blue Grotto in Capri
The Blue Grotto of Capri is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Italy.
The wonderful island of Capri is located right in front of the tip of the Sorrento peninsula, at a short distance from Naples and the towns of the Amalfi coast.
This whole area offers a breathtaking scenery, charming towns, a lively atmosphere and great food.
For all these reason I consider it the ideal place for those looking for spending an unforgettable holiday in Italy.
Let’s discover Capri and what’s worth a visit.
Capri can be easily reached by ferry. The trips takes about a hour and all the ferries dock at Marina Grande.
From here you can take the funicular and reach Capri Town.
The main attraction of the town is definitely its famous Piazzetta, a tiny square covered with bar tables, crowded with tourists and residents who stop for a coffee.
From Capri Town you can go to Anacapri.
This town is still touristy, but more authentic. It is close to Monte Solaro, the island’s highest peak. You can easily reach the top of the mount by a lift chair and once there you will enjoy some gorgeous views on Capri, the sea, the coastline.
One attraction I suggest you to visit in Anacapri is the church of San Michele. It may not seem so special from outside, but once inside the handpainted majolica tiled floor depicting Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden will blow you away.
If you love gardens in Capri there are 2 places that you should visit. One is the garden of Villa San Michele, considered one of the top 10 most beautiful gardens in Italy. The other is the Gardens of Augustus, from where you can enjoy a wonderful view of the Faraglioni and the incredible zigzag road Via Krupp.
The Blue Grotto
The Blue Grotto is a natural cavity hidden behind a low entryway.
To get into the Grotto you have to lie on the bottom of one of the many small rowing boats allowed to go inside. The boatman will drag the boat into the cave by clinging to a chain attached to the rock. It is a fun experience!
Once inside, the atmosphere completely changes.
You are suddenly surrounded by the darkness, but the water beneath you shines with a color that seems artificial.
Many people who see photos of the Blue Grotto of Capri on the internet think they are retouched, but the water is really fluorescent blue!
This unique phenomenon is caused by the sunlight entering through an underwater window just below the grotto entryway. The light is thus filtered by the water, which absorbs the red radiation and reflects only the blue one. The unique light is accentuated by the many small air bubbles that adhere to the surface of the immersed objects, giving them silvery reflections.
And now some useful infos about the Blue Grotto of Capri.
Those who want to visit it have to pay a fee.
As you can immagine, many are the tourists who want to see this magic place, so in high season the boats line up to enter.
Usually boatmen ask for a tip, but it is not mandatory.
From November to the end of March the Blue Grotto is generally closed due to the wind and the rough sea. In summer, the best time to visit it is between noon and 2 pm.
On cloudy days the absence of the sun light makes the effect inside the grotto less intense.
The Faraglioni Rocks
Together with the Blue Grotto, the Faraglioni rocks are the symbol of Capri.
They are 3 100 meters high rocky peaks that rise from the sea a few meters from the coast of the island.
Each Faraglione has its name.
The one close to the land is called Stella; the one with the rocky arch is called Faraglione di Mezzo, the middle Faraglione; the third one is Faraglione di Fuori, the outside Faraglione, also known as Scopolo.
They create a unique and suggestive panorama, especially at the sunset. I’m sure you’ll take great Instagram-perfect photos!