Since Majorca is one of My Rental Homes’ new destinations, there are many things about this island that I don’t know yet. However, among all the tourist attractions, one is really unique. It’s Cuevas Drach, the Dragon Caves.
Have you ever dreamt of living an adventure like those written in the novel ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne’? I mean, going underground and discover a secret world? Well, the Dragon Caves may offer you something like this.
They are 4 interconnected caves created by the water that excavated the rock over the millennia, The entire complex is 1200m long and the deepest point is 25m underground.
The scenery inside these caves is fascinating and leaves speechless. It shows the power of nature and time. I think it’s easy to feel small in such a place, and it’s also surreal, since you’re under the surface of the beautiful island of Majorca!
By the way, my reference to Jules Verne is not accidental. The caves are mentioned in his book “Clovis Dartetor”.
Of course, there are a huge variety of calcium formations: stalactites, stalagmites, columns and other bizarre structures, such as The Flag that looks like a thin fabric moved by the wind.
The most spectacular thing is the roof.
Some parts are completely covered in thousands of different stalagmites. Some are short and some are long. Their length depends on their age, but consider that it takes about 100 year for a stalagmite to grow just 1 cm!
Other formations look like small mountains covered in snow. They are called the Monte Nevado.
All these intricate environment is enhanced by the lighting system.
The lights are placed in specific places to make you better discover the complexity of what you see, its vastness, but also colors or unexpected transparencies.
Without these perfect lighting you would never really enjoy the experience.
But is a visit to the Dragon Caves just a walk through ancient calcium structures? Well, no.
Water is the main element of the caves.
The dripping from the roof and the passage of water from one spot to another are constant. All these flows created some lakes inside the caves!
For example, the so-called Bath of Diana is a pond of unbelievable turquoise color! It’s enchanting.
The main lake is Lago Martel. Lake Martel is considered one of the largest underground lakes in the world. It is 117m long and 30m wide. Its cold clear water is slightly salty, meaning that somehow the lake is connected to the Mediterranean Sea.
Seeing a lake underground is a unique experience.
You have meters of rocks and ground above your head. No colors, no vegetation or sounds around. Just some artificial lighting confirming that you are in a cave, and…wow, in front of you a lake with the clearest water you can ever imagine! It is so clear that you barely can distinguish what really is underwater and what is not! It’s a situation that can make you feel a little dizzy.
The greatest thing of visiting the Dragon Caves in Majorca is that it is possible to take a rowing boat trip on Lake Martel! Can you imagine something more unforgettable than gently slip on an underground lake?
But there’s something more.
Just before the boat trip on Lake Martel, visitors of the Dragon Caves attend to a very special concert.
While they are sitting on some benches just in front of the lake, a couple of rowing boats appears and the musicians on them play live some classical music, then the boats slip away.
The particular conformation of the caves makes the propagation of the sound uniform and for this reason they are home to music concerts, especially during summer.
The Dragon Caves are located near the village of Porto Cristo, on the south-east coast of Majorca.
From Palma de Majorca it takes about 1 hour by car.
The caves are quite easy to reach also by bus from the nearest towns.
The ground can be slippery and there are many steps, so you need to dress comfortable and have suitable shoes.
Furthermore, the temperature inside the caves is fresh, around 21 ° C.
The visit to the Dragon Caves lasts about 1 hour and there are many entries at fixed times.
Don’t take you camera with you because shooting is not allowed.
The only flaw is that during the summer season it can be crowded and the visit may be less pleasant than one might expect. Just be prepared!